Divorce and Remarriage

Remarriage and Divorce

Many religious people believe that it is a sin to get a divorce or to get remarried after a divorce. Some people have been taught that they should stay married to matter what. Some people are referred by the pastor to a counselor that will help them to stay married to matter what.

As a licensed professional, I do not believe that couples should stay married no matter what. I believe that this standard is extremely toxic and dangerous. No one should be forced to stay in an abusive relationship against their will. Also, people have the right to get remarried after a divorce. When people get married, they must sign a legal documentation at a courthouse even if they got married by a pastor/priest. If a person got married by a pastor/priest and they didn’t sign the documentation, then the couple is not legally married. Once when a couple gets a divorce, they are no longer legally bound to each other. Regardless of what others thinks, they can legally marry someone else. They can have a healthy second marriage. It is not my place or anyone’s place to judge someone who is divorced and remarried.

I want to let people know that Eagles Counseling is a safe place for people that are divorced and remarried. I personally do not view remarriage as a sin. I believe that it is your life, and you have the right to be happy. You shouldn’t have to suffer in loneliness because of someone else’s opinion.